%% LaTeX2e file `bewerbung.bib' %% generated by the `filecontents' environment %% from source `dokumentation' on 2015/07/11. %% @electronic{komacv, author = "Salome Södergan", month = {Aug}, year = "2014", title = "komacv", subtitle = "Typesetting a beuatiful CV with various style options", url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/komacv}, urldate = {2015-07-09}, } @electronic{scrlttr2, author = "Markus Kohm", month = {Jul}, year = "2015", title = "scrlttr2", subtitle = "Koma-Script ‘letter’ class", url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/scrlttr2}, urldate = {2015-07-09}, } @electronic{datatool, author = "Nicola Talbot", year = "2014", title = "datatool", subtitle = "Tools to load and manipulate data", url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/datatool}, urldate = {2015-07-09}, } @electronic{pdfpages, author = "Andreas Matthias", year = "2015", title = "pdfpages", subtitle = "Include PDF documents in LaTeX", url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/pdfpages}, urldate = {2015-07-09}, }