
663 lines
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\ProvidesPackage{bewerbung-cv} %
[2015/07/14 v1.1 Importierung der Klasse koma-cv %
für bewerbungen]
%% this file is based on komacv.cls from Salome Södergran
%% every change is marked by
%% %% ahilbig begin
%% %% ahilbig end
%% ahilbig begin
%%\ProcessKeyvalOptions{komacv} % evaluate keyval options
%%\ProcessOptions\relax % execute given options
%% ahilbig end
\colorlet{colortheme}{\mycolor}% specified in documentclass option
%% ahilbig begin
% additional color for title
%% ahilbig end
%% ahilbig begin
% additional handling of coloring of urls
%% ahilbig end
} % end AtEndPreamble
\ifboolexpr{bool{xetex} or bool{luatex}}{%
%% ahilbig begin
%% \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}
%% \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}%
%% ahilbig end
%% ahilbig begin
%% ahilbig end
%% ahilbig begin
%% ahilbig end
\newkomafont{commentmainfont}{\bfseries} % in cvitemwithcomment
\newkomafont{commentfont}{\footnotesize\itshape} % cvitemwidthcomment
%% ahilbig begin:
%% ahilbig end
\newlength\komacvinfocolextrawidth % witout @ for use inside document
% infocol (oldstyle)
% fboxextra (picture frame)
% hintscolumn
} %
% separatorcolumn
} %
% maincolumn
} %
% doubleitem
} %
% listitem
} %
% listdoubleitem
} %
% quote
} %
% title
\ifundef{\@photoname}{% without picture:
}{% with picture:
\equal{\@photoframe}{frame} \OR
}{% with frame:
}{% without frame:
} %
% afterelementsvspace
} %
% beforesecvspace
\setlength{\@beforesecvspace}{3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
} %
% aftersecvspace
\setlength{\@aftersecvspace}{2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
} %
% beforesubsecvspace
3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
}{ %
} %
% aftersubsecvspace
\setlength{\@aftersubsecvspace}{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
} %
} % end AtEndPreamble
} %
} %
} %
} %
} %
} %
} %
} %
} % end AtEndPreamble
} % end setlist
\textcolor{colortheme}\textperiodcentered}} %
} % end AtEndPreamble
\providecommand*{\@titledetailsnewline}{ %
%% ahilbig begin
%% ahilbig end
\providecommand*{\totalpagemark}{% page and pagetotal
%% ahilbig begin
%% ahilbig end
\raggedleft\hintstyle{#2} &{#3}%
\noindent #5
\ifstrempty{#4}{}{, {\itshape#4}}%
\ifstrempty{#5}{}{, #5}%
\ifstrempty{#6}{}{, #6}%
%% ahilbig begin
%% ahilbig end
\usekomafont{commentmainfont} #3%
\raggedleft\usekomafont{commentfont} #4%
%% ahilbig begin
% needed some additional space between the sections to look nicer
%% ahilbig end
\phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs
%% ahilbig begin
% we need more space^^
}{\sectionstyle{#1}\vspace{0.4em}} %
%% ahilbig end
}% end origsection
} % end cvbarsection
unicode, %
%% ahilbig begin
% make links look nicer
colorlinks = true,%
%% ahilbig end
pdfborder = {0 0 .3},%
pdfstartview = FitH,%
%% ahilbig begin
%% pdfstartpage = 1,%
%% pdfcreator = \LaTeX{},%
%% pdfproducer = \LaTeX{} %
%% ahilbig end
\firstname~\familyname{} curriculum~vit\ae{} CV{}}
allbordercolors = \@allbordercolors,%
citebordercolor = \citebordercolor,%
filebordercolor = \filebordercolor,%
linkbordercolor = \linkbordercolor,%
menubordercolor = \menubordercolor,%
runbordercolor = \runbordercolor,%
urlbordercolor = \urlbordercolor,%
pdfauthor = \@pdfauthor,%
pdfsubject = \pdfsubject,%
pdftitle = \pdftitle,%
pdfkeywords = \pdfkeywords,%
} % end AtEndPreamble
\raggedbottom %
} % End AtBeginDocument
%% ahilbig begin
%% ahilbig end
%% End of file `bewerbung-cv.sty'.