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% (C)opyright A. Hilbig, mail@andrehilbig.de |
% http://www.andrehilbig.de/Publications |
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% diese Datei: ahilbig-comics.sty |
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% Das Dokument steht unter der Lizenz: Creative Commons by-nc-sa Version 4.0 |
% http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.de |
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% Eine kommerzielle Nutzung ist ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen. |
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% Diese Pakete basieren auf den entsprechenden Paketen von Prof. Dr. Ludger Humbert |
% (http://ddi.uni-wuppertal.de/ -- humbert@uni-wuppertal.de) und wurden zum Teil angepasst. Seine |
% Pakete basieren wiederum auf Entwicklungen von Prof. Dr. Till Tantau |
% (http://www.tcs.uni-luebeck.de/de/mitarbeiter/tantau/). Beiden gilt mein Dank hierfür. |
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professor says/.code=\ddiprofessorsays{#1},
professor thinks/.code=\ddiprofessorthinks{#1},
student says/.code=\ddistudentsays{#1},
student thinks/.code=\ddistudentthinks{#1},
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={([yshift=1.2cm]people)},inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt]
\coordinate (last) at (0,0);
\coordinate (last professor) at (0,0);
\coordinate (last student) at (0,0);
\foreach \angle/\radius in {0/1,20/1.2,40/1.4,60/1.6,80/1.7}
{ (90+\angle:.5cm) circle[radius=\radius*1pt] }
let \p1 = ($ (people) - (professor thinks) + (0,10pt) $)
in \foreach \pos in {3,8,...,\y1} { (-.5cm,-\pos pt) circle
[radius=1.7pt] \pgfextra{\global\let\lastpos\pos} }
(-.5cm+3pt,-\lastpos pt-4pt) circle [radius=1.7pt]
\foreach \angle/\radius in {10/1.2,40/1.4,80/1.7}
{ (90-\angle:.3cm) circle[radius=\radius*1pt] }
let \p1 = ($ (people) - (student thinks) + (0,10pt) $)
in \foreach \pos in {3,8,...,\y1} { (.3cm,-\pos pt) circle
[radius=1.7pt] \pgfextra{\global\let\lastpos\pos} }
(.3cm-3pt,-\lastpos pt-4pt) circle [radius=1.7pt]
\alt<presentation>{\tikzset{where/.style={matrix anchor=south east,at={(-20pt,10pt)}}}}{\tikzset{where/.style={matrix anchor=north west,at=(last)}}}
\matrix [where,anchor=center] (last bingo)
[text width=1.1cm,align=center,matrix of nodes, inner sep=2pt,
nodes={fill=black!10, anchor=center, minimum height=1.2cm, minimum width=1.2cm}, column sep=1mm, row sep=1mm,
execute at begin
cell=\ECFAugie\fontsize{6}{7}\selectfont\hskip0pt,ampersand replacement=\&]
\node [above] at ([yshift=1em]last bingo.north)
{\ECFAugie\fontsize{8}{9}\selectfont Bingo gegen Langeweile};
\coordinate (last) at ([yshift=-2em]last bingo.south west);
\node [below right] (last professor) at (last)
[text width=3.5cm,align=left]
{\ECFAugie \fontsize{8}{9}\selectfont\ignorespaces#1\par};
\coordinate (last) at ([yshift=-1em]last professor.south west);
\setbox\testbox=\hbox{\ECFAugie \fontsize{8}{9}\selectfont #1}%
\node [below right] (last student) at (last)
[text width=3.5cm,xshift=5mm,align/.expanded=\ifddicomicwide
left\else flush right\fi]
{\ECFAugie \fontsize{8}{9}\selectfont\ignorespaces#1\par};
\coordinate (last) at ([xshift=-5mm,yshift=-1em]last student.south west);
\node [below right] (x) at (last)
[text width=3.5cm,align=left,text=black!50]
{\ECFAugie \fontsize{8}{9}\selectfont\ignorespaces#1\par};
\coordinate (last) at ([yshift=-1em]x.south west);
\coordinate (professor thinks) at (x.north west);
\node [below right] (x) at (last)
[xshift=5mm,text width=3.5cm,align/.expanded=\ifddicomicwide
left\else flush right\fi,text=black!50]
{\ECFAugie \fontsize{8}{9}\selectfont\ignorespaces#1\par};
\coordinate (last) at ([xshift=-5mm,yshift=-1em]x.south west);
\coordinate (student thinks) at (x.north east);
% Professor
\node (head) [minimum size=6pt, draw, inner sep=0pt, circle] {};
\draw (head.south) -- ++(0,-7pt) coordinate (groin);
\draw (groin) -- ++(-70:8pt) (groin) -- ++(-110:8pt);
\draw ([yshift=-2pt]head.south) coordinate (shoulders) -- ++(10:5pt) (shoulders) -- ++(-30:5pt);
\foreach \j in {3,2,1}{
\foreach \i in {1,...,5}
\node (head) [minimum size=5pt, draw, inner sep=0pt, fill=white,circle] {};
\draw (head.south) -- ++(70+\dir*20:-8pt) coordinate [near start] (shoulders\i);
\draw [line join=round] (0,1) -- (1,0) -- (1,-0.3) -- (0,0.7) -- (0,1);
\filldraw [fill=white,line join=round] (0,1) -- (0.2,1) -- (1.2,0) -- (1,0) -- cycle;
\foreach \i in {1,...,5}
\draw (shoulders\i) -- ++(-180+0.5*20:5pt) (shoulders\i) -- ++(-150+0.5*20:5pt);
\draw[overlay] (.6,1.1) to [out=100,in=-86] (-0.2,1.7)
to [out=94,in=-94] ([xshift=-2mm]last professor.south west)
to [out=86,in=-135] ([yshift=2mm,xshift=-1mm]last professor.south west);
\draw[overlay] (3.75,1.15) to [out=100,in=-94] (4.2,1.9)
to [out=86,in=-86] ([xshift=2mm]last student.south east)
to [out=94,in=-45] ([yshift=2mm,xshift=1mm]last student.south east);
\coordinate (last) at (0,-.3);
\coordinate (people) at (0,0);
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@comic@#1\endcsname{#2}
\expandafter\let\expandafter\dditemp\csname ddi@comic@#1\endcsname