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AUTHOR = {Christine Backwinkel and Ulrich Großlindemann and Henning Krake and Wolfgang Kühl
and Stefan Uhlmann},
TITLE = "Physik: Schulinternen Lehrplan zum Kernlehrplan für die gymnasiale Oberstufe",
MONTH = {Oct},
YEAR = "2014",
NOTE = "Unveröffentlicht, weiteres Mitglied der Fachkonferenz: André \textsc{Hilbig}"
editor = "JHS",
month = {Feb},
year = "2015",
title = "LEIFIphysik -- Physikportal -- Waagerechter und schräger Wurf",
subtitle = "Wurfparabel",
url =
urldate = {2015-02-28},
note = "JHS (Joachim Herz Stiftung)",
editor = {MS{\-}WWF},
title = {{Kernlehrplan f{\"u}r die
Sekundarstufe~II -- Gymnasium/Gesamt{\-}schule in
Nordrhein-Westfalen -- Physik}},
year = 2013,
month = {Juni},
publisher = {Ritterbach Verlag},
address = {Frechen},
edition = {{1.~Aufl.}},
number = {4721},
series = {Schriftenreihe Schule in NRW},
note = {MSWWF (Ministerium f{\"u}r Schule und Weiterbildung,
Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes
url =
urldate = {2015-03-04},
editor = {MS{\-}WWF},
title = {{Richtlinien und Lehrpläne für die
Sekundarstufe~II -- Gymnasium/Gesamtschule in
Nordrhein-Westfalen -- Physik}},
year = 1999,
month = {Juli},
publisher = {Ritterbach Verlag},
address = {Frechen},
edition = {{1.~Aufl.}},
number = {4721},
series = {Schriftenreihe Schule in NRW},
note = {MSWWF (Ministerium f{\"u}r Schule und Weiterbildung,
Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes
url = {http://www.standardsicherung.schulministerium.nrw.de/lehrplaene/upload/klp_SII/ph/GOSt_Physik_Endfassung.pdf}
editor = {MS{\-}WWF},
title = {{Kernlehrplan f{\"u}r das Gymnasium --
Sekundarstufe~I in Nordrhein-Westfalen -- Physik}},
year = 2008,
month = {August},
publisher = {Ritterbach Verlag},
address = {Frechen},
edition = {{1.~Aufl.}},
number = {3411},
series = {Schriftenreihe Schule in NRW},
note = {MSWWF (Ministerium f{\"u}r Schule und Weiterbildung,
Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes
url = {http://www.standardsicherung.schulministerium.nrw.de/lehrplaene/upload/lehrplaene_download/gymnasium_g8/gym8_physik.pdf}
title = "Bildungsstandards im Fach Physik für den Mittleren Schulabschluss -- Beschluss vom
subtitle = "Beschlüsse der Kultusministerkonferenz",
editor = {KM{\-}K},
note = "Herausgegeben vom Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland",
publisher = "Luchterhand",
year = "2005",
month = {Jun},
url =
urldate = {2014-03-20}
@Book{ DornBader11A1998,
title = "Dorn-Bader -- Physik 11",
subtitle = "Ausgabe A -- Gymnasium Sek~II",
editor = "Franz Bader and Friedrich Dorn",
author = "Franz Bader and Bernd Kretschmer and Helmut Bergold and Heinz-Werner
Oberholz and Peter Drehmann and Werner Wegner and Erwin-Klaus Haberkant",
publisher = "Schroedel Verlag",
year = "1998",
isbn = "3-507-10720-1"
@Book{ Metzler1996,
title = "Metzler Physik",
author = {Joachim Grehn and Albrecht von Hessberg and Hans-Gerd Holt and Herwig Kr{\"u}ger and Herbert Kurt Schmidt},
publisher = "Metzler",
year = "1996",
isbn = "3-507-05209-1",
editor = "Joachim Grehn",
edition = "2. Auflage",
author = "Pierre Tchernia",
title = "Asterix bei den Briten",
editor = "Yannik Piel",
year = "1986",
note = "Film, Regie: Pino van \textsc{Lamsweerde}"
editor = {MSWWF},
title = {{Richtlinien und Lehrpl{\"a}ne f{\"u}r die
Sekundarstufe~II -- Gymnasium/Gesamtschule in
Nordrhein-Westfalen -- Informatik}},
year = 1999,
month = {Juni},
publisher = {Ritterbach Verlag},
address = {Frechen},
edition = {{1.~Aufl.}},
number = {4725},
series = {Schriftenreihe Schule in NRW},
note = {MSWWF (Ministerium f{\"u}r Schule und Weiterbildung,
Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes
url = {http://www.standardsicherung.schulministerium.nrw.de/lehrplaene/upload/lehrplaene_download/gymnasium_os/4725.pdf},
AUTHOR = {Ziba Dehmandi and Andr{é} Hilbig and Michael Zagorski},
TITLE = "Informatik: Schulinterner Lehrplan zum Kernlehrplan für die gymnasiale Oberstufe an
dem Carl-Humann-Gymnasium in Essen",
MONTH = "Nov",
YEAR = "2014",
NOTE = "Unveröffentlicht, Version 0.1"
author = "Ziba Dehmandi",
year = 2010,
month = {May},
title = "Schulinternes Curriculum Informatik",
subtitle = "Carl-Humann-Gymnasium -- Städtisches Gymnasium für Jungen und Mädchen",
address = {Essen},
note = "Sekundarstufe I",
pages = "2--5",
editor = {Uwe Florin},
year = 2014,
month = {Feb},
title = {Jahrgangsstufe 9},
url = {http://dbg-ratingen.de/go/scientext/home/unterricht/categories/informatik/jahrgangsstufe10.xhtml},
urldate = {2014-02-20},
address = {Ratingen},
editor = {Dorothee Müller},
year = 2012,
month = {Jun},
title = {Spioncamp},
url = {http://ddi.uni-wuppertal.de/material/spioncamp.html},
urldate = {2015-03-31},
editor = {Dorothee Müller},
year = 2013,
month = {Apr},
title = {Paritätsbit},
url = {http://ddi.uni-wuppertal.de/material/informatiktricks.html#cs-unplugged},
urldate = {2014-02-20},
author = {{GI}},
title = {{Grunds{\"a}tze und Standards f{\"u}r die Informatik in der Schule}},
subtitle = {{Bildungsstandards Informatik f{\"u}r die Sekundarstufe~I}},
year = 2008,
month = {April},
note = {Erarbeitet vom Arbeitskreis \frqq{}Bildungsstandards\flqq{} -- Beschluss des GI-Pr{\"a}sidiums vom 24.~Januar~2008 -- ver{\"o}ffentlicht als Beilage zur LOG~IN~28 (2008) Heft~150/151},
url={ http://fa-ibs.gi.de/fileadmin/gliederungen/fb-iad/fa-ibs/Empfehlungen/bildungsstandards\_2008.pdf},
issn = {0720-8642},
journal = {LOG~IN},
volume = {27},
number = {146/147},
author = "Françoise D. Alsaker and Christof Nägle and Stefan Valkanover",
title = "Mobbing geht alle an",
subtitle = "Erste Ergebnisse aus dem NFP52-Projekt: Mobbing im Kindergarten: Entstehung und
urldate = {2014-04-29},
month = {June},
year = {2006}
Neu hinzugekommene Einträge Informatiktag 2015
@ELECTRONIC{ fairmobil,
TITLE = {{Stark im Miteinander}},
SUBTITLE = {Schule anders erleben},
URL = {http://www.miteinandern.de/329.html},
URLDATE = {2014-09-09},
EDITOR = {Westfälische Provinzial and Jugendrotkreuz Westfalen-Lippe and asb -- arbeitskreis
soziale bildung und beratung e.V. and Schulpsychologische Beratungsstelle der Stadt
AUTHOR = {Marco Fileccia},
PUBLISHER = {Initiative \enquote{klicksafe}},
TITLE = {{Social Communities}},
SUBTITLE = {{Ein Leben im Verzeichnis -- Zusatzmodul}},
SERIES = {Knowhow für junge User},
URLDATE = {2014-09-09},
YEAR = 2009,
AUTHOR = {Joachim Kahlert and Richard Sigel},
PUBLISHER = {Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung},
ISBN = {3-937707-41-7},
YEAR = 2006,
TITLE = {{Achtsamkeit und Anerkennung}},
SERIES = {Gesundheitserziehung und Schule (G\+{}S)},
URLDATE = {2014-09-09}
AUTHOR = {Axel Kannenberg},
MONTH = {06},
TITLE = {Facebook verteidigt umstrittenes Psycho-Experiment},
URL = {http://heise.de/-2243121},
URLDATE = {2014-06-30},
YEAR = 2014,
Organization = {Stiftelsen Friends},
url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clDrraxwIWA&list=UUv2X3R30cWi5cenA7qAkw-Q},
urldate = {2014-09-02},
year = 2009,
month = {May},
title = {{Hårda Ord}},
Organization = {Stiftelsen Friends},
url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozn6OXMvhaM&list=UUv2X3R30cWi5cenA7qAkw-Q},
urldate = {2014-09-02},
year = 2009,
month = {Dec},
title = {{Tillsammans}},
Organization = {Stiftelsen Friends},
url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw1o8DE4wpk&list=UUv2X3R30cWi5cenA7qAkw-Q},
urldate = {2014-09-02},
year = 2009,
month = {Mar},
title = {{Som på högstadiet}},
Organization = {Stiftelsen Friends},
url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lHiJZk5rcA&list=UUv2X3R30cWi5cenA7qAkw-Q},
urldate = {2014-09-02},
year = 2009,
month = {Mar},
title = {{E-Mobbing}},
Neu hinzugekommene Einträge
author = "Ira Diethelm and Leif Geiger and Carsten Schulte",
title = "Einführung in die Objektorientierung im Informatik-Anfangsunterricht",
year = 2006,
month = {Nov},
note = "Skriptum Lehrerfortbildung",
author = "Ross J. Anderson",
title = "Security Engineering",
subtitle = "A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems",
year = "2008",
isbn = "978-0-470-06852-6",
edition = "2",
publisher = "Wiley",
author = "Johann S. Magenheim",
title = "Theoretische Aspekte und unterrichtspraktische Implikationen einer systemorientierten Didaktik der Informatik",
year = 2000,
organization = "Tagungsbeitrag zur GI-Tagung \enquote{Informatik - Ausbildung und Beruf 2000}",
url =
urldate = {2014-07-17}
author = "Jochen Koubek",
title = "Informatiker und Gesellschaft",
journal = {LOG~IN},
pages = {34--35},
year = 2005,
volume = {136/137},
issn = {0720-8642},
author = "Rüdeger Baumann and Bernhard Koerber",
title = "Internet-Gemeinschaften",
journal = {LOG~IN},
pages = {18--25},
year = 2008,
volume = {153},
issn = {0720-8642},
author = "Jochen Koubek",
title = "Die erste Online-Community",
journal = {LOG~IN},
pages = {26--28},
year = 2008,
volume = {153},
issn = {0720-8642},
author = "Jochen Koubek",
title = "Der andere Schulhof",
subtitle = "Die dunkle Seite von schülerVZ",
journal = {LOG~IN},
pages = {38--41},
year = 2008,
volume = {153},
issn = {0720-8642},
author = "Sigrid Schubert and Peer Stechert and Stefan Freischlad",
title = "Die Phischer im Internet",
subtitle = "Ein Beitrag zu Standards der informatischen Bildung über die Sicherheit im Netz",
journal = {LOG~IN},
pages = {66--68},
year = 2005,
volume = {135},
issn = {0720-8642},
author = "Jochen Koubek",
title = "Sicherheit von Online-Bezahldiensten",
journal = {LOG~IN},
pages = {25--29},
year = 2006,
volume = {136/137},
issn = {0720-8642},
author = "Dieter Engbring",
title = "Informatik im Kontext",
subtitle = "Ein technikbezogener Zugang zur Integration gesellschaftlicher Fragen",
journal = {LOG~IN},
pages = {28--33},
year = 2005,
volume = {136/137},
issn = {0720-8642},
@article{ Brezinka2011,
author = "Veronika Brezinka",
title = "»Schatzsuche« -- ein verhaltenstherapeutisches Computerspiel",
journal = "Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie",
year = "2011",
pages = "762--776",
volume = "60",
number = "9",
publisher = "Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht",
organization = "Universitat Bremen",
author = {Schwill, Andreas},
title = {{Fundamentale Ideen der Informatik}},
journal = {ZDM},
pages = {20--31},
year = 1993,
volume = 25,
number = 1,
note = {ZDM -- Zentralblatt f{\"u}r Didaktik der Mathematik},
@Electronic{ emailGer,
title = "E-Mail made in Germany",
subtitle = "E-Mail made in Germany bietet unseren Kunden einen hohen Sicherheits- und
Datenschutzstandard und steht für Produktqualität und Zuverlässigkeit",
note = {1{\&}1 Mail {\&} Media GmbH and Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Hrsg.},
url = "http://www.e-mail-made-in-germany.de/",
urldate = {2014-06-20},
year = "2014",
@Electronic{ heiseAuto,
title = "Analyse: Google will den Autofahrer abschaffen",
author = "Ben Schwan",
urldate = {2014-06-21},
month = jun,
year = "2014",
url = "http://heise.de/-2214341",
@Electronic{ heiseNSA,
title = "Was bisher geschah: Der NSA-Skandal im Jahr 1 nach Snowden",
author = "Martin Holland",
urldate = {2014-06-20},
month = jun,
year = "2014",
url = "http://heise.de/-2214943",
@Electronic{ heiseFacebook,
title = "Facebook verteidigt umstrittenes Psycho-Experiment",
author = "Axel Kannenberg",
urldate = {2014-06-30},
month = jun,
year = "2014",
url = "http://heise.de/-2243121",
@Electronic{ wikiUML,
title = "Paket (UML)",
urldate = {2014-06-21},
month = jun,
year = "2014",
url = "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paket_(UML)"
@Electronic{ wikiTopologie,
title = "Topologie (Rechnernetze)",
urldate = {2014-06-16},
month = jun,
year = "2014",
url = "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topologie_%28Rechnernetz%29"
@book { Christakis2011,
title = "Connected!",
subtitle = "Die Macht sozialer Netzwerke: wer uns wirklich beeinflusst und warum Glück ansteckend ist",
author = "Christakis, Nicholas A. and Fowler, James H. and Neubauer, Jürgen",
publisher = "Fischer Taschenbuch Verl.",
address = "Frankfurt am Main",
year = "2011",
isbn = "9783596184019",
@book { Comer2002,
title = "Computernetzwerke und Internets: mit Internet-Anwendungen",
edition = "3., überarb. Aufl.",
author = "Comer, Douglas and Droms, Ralph",
publisher = "Pearson Studium",
address = "München",
year = "2002",
isbn = "3-8273-7023-X",
@book { Stein2008,
title = "Taschenbuch Rechnernetze und Internet: mit 94 Tabellen",
edition = "3., neu bearb. Aufl.",
author = "Stein, Erich",
publisher = "Fachbuchverl. Leipzig im Carl-Hanser-Verl.",
address = "München",
year = "2008",
isbn = "978-3-446-40976-7;; 3-446-40976-9"
@book{ Tanenbaum2003,
title = "Computer Networks",
author = "Tanenbaum, Andrew S.",
edition = "4",
publisher = "Pearson Education International",
year = "2003",
isbn = "0-13-038488-7"
@article { Hellige2006,
title = "Die Geschichte des Internet als Lernprozess",
editor = "Universität Bremen",
volume = "138",
journal = "artec-Paper",
author = "Hellige, Hans Dieter",
year = "2006",
issn = "1613-4907"
author = {Stefan Freischlad},
title = "Entwicklung und Erprobung des Didaktischen Systems Internetworking im
series = "Comentarii informaticae didacticae (CID)",
volume = "3",
publisher = "Universitätsverlag Potsdam",
year = "2010",
note = "Dissertation"
author = {Schubert, Sigrid and Peer Stechert and Stefan Freischlad},
title = {{Die Phisher im Internet}},
journal = {LOG~IN},
pages = {66--68},
year = 2005,
month = {September},
volume = 25,
number = {135},
issn = {0720-8642},
annote = {ngerman},
@book { Blum2012,
title = "No Blame Approach",
subtitle = "Mobbing-Intervention in der Schule. Praxishandbuch -- Mobbing:
hinschauen, handeln",
edition = "2. Aufl.",
author = "Blum, Heike and Beck, Detlef",
publisher = "fairaend",
address = "Köln",
year = "2012",
isbn = "978-3-000277-55-9"
@article { Blum2005,
title = "No Blame Approach. Mobbing-Interventionsansatz ohne Schuldzuweisungen.",
journal = "Thema Jugend",
volume = "Jg. 2005",
number = "4",
pages = "7-9",
author = "Blum, Heike and Beck, Detlef",
year = "2005"
@inbook { Diekert2009,
title = "Informatikdidaktische Forschung am Beispiel Internetworking",
author = "Schubert, Sigrid and Freischlad, Stefan",
booktitle = "Informatik als Dialog zwischen Theorie und Anwendung.",
booksubtitle = "Festschrift für Volker Claus zum 65. Geburtstag",
edition = "1. Aufl.",
bookauthor = "Diekert, Volker and Weicker, Karsten and Weicker, Nicole and Claus, Volker Honoree",
publisher = "Vieweg+Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden",
address = "Wiesbaden",
year = "2009",
pages= "169-182"
@article { Shanmuganathan2010,
title = "Cyberstalking: Psychoterror im WEB 2.0 Cyberstalking in WEB 2.0",
journal = "Information - Wissenschaft \& Praxis",
volume = "61; Jg. 2010",
number = "2",
pages = "91-95",
author = "Shanmuganathan, Niransana",
year = "2010"
@article { Roland2002,
title = "Classroom Influences on Bullying",
journal = "Educational Research",
volume = "44; Jg. 2002",
number = "3",
pages = "299-312",
author = "Roland, Erling and Galloway, David",
year = "2002"
@article { Kober2013,
title = "Stark im MiteinanderN: Evaluation des schulischen Präventionsprogramms",
journal = "Schadenprisma",
volume = "Jg. 2013",
number = "1",
pages = "9-14",
author = "Marcus Kober",
year = "2013"
@article { Riebel2009,
title = "Cyberbullying in Germany - An exploration of prevalence, overlapping with real life bullying and coping strategies (Cybermobbing in Deutschland. Eine Untersuchung hinsichtlich Pravalenz, Uberschneidung mit Mobbing im wirklichen Leben sowie Bewaltigungsstrategien)",
journal = "Psychology Science Quarterly",
volume = "51; Jg. 2009",
number = "3",
pages = "298-314",
author = "Riebel, Julia and Jager, Reinhold S. and Fischer, Uwe C.",
year = "2009"
@article { Kowalski2014,
title = "Bullying in the Digital Age: A Critical Review and Meta-Analysis of Cyberbullying Research Among Youth.",
journal = "Psychological Bulletin",
volume = "Jg. 10, 2014",
author = "Kowalski, Robin M. and Giumetti, Gary W. and Schroeder, Amber N. and Lattanner, Micah R.",
publisher = "American Psychological Association",
year = "2014"
@article { Franze2009,
title = "MindMatters--A Programme for the Promotion of Mental Health in Primary and Secondary Schools: Results of an Evaluation of the German Language Adaptation",
journal = "Health Education",
volume = "109; Jg. 2009",
number = "4",
pages = "369-379",
author = "Franze, M. and Paulus, P.",
address = "Emerald. 875 Massachusetts Avenue 7th Floor",
year = "2009"
@article { Khan2012,
title = "Evaluation of the MindMatters Buddy Support Scheme in Southwest Sydney: Strategies, Achievements and Challenges",
journal = "Health Education Journal",
volume = "71; Jg. May 2012",
number = "3",
pages = "320-326",
author = "Khan, Raquiba J. and Bedford, Karen and Williams, Mandy",
address = "SAGE Publications. 2455 Teller Road",
year = "2012"
@booklet{ EvaluationNoBlame2008,
title = "Evaluationsbericht -- Mobbing: Hinschauen, Handeln. No Blame Approach",
subtitle = "Der NO BLAME APPROACH in der schulischen Praxis",
editor = "Bund für Soziale Verteidigung",
location = "Minden",
year = "2008",
url = {http://www.no-blame-approach.de/media/downloads/EvalutionsberichtNoBlameApproach.pdf},
urldate = "2014-05-11"
@article { Wolak2008,
title = "Online 'Predators' and Their Victims: Myths, Realities, and Implications for Prevention and Treatment",
journal = "American Psychologist",
volume = "63; Jg. 2008",
number = "2",
pages = "111-128",
author = "Wolak, Janis and Finkelhor, David and Mitchell, Kimberly J. and Ybarra, Michele L.",
address = "American Psychological Association. Journals Department",
year = "2008"
@article { Smith2008,
title = "Cyberbullying - its nature and impact in secondary school pupils",
journal = "The journal of child psychology and psychiatry : official organ of the Association of Child Psychology and Psychiatry",
volume = "Jg. 2008",
number = "4",
pages = "376-385",
author = "Smith, Peterk and Mahdavi, Jess and Carvalho, Manuel and Fisher, Sonja and Russell, Shanette and Tippett, Neil",
publisher = "Blackwell",
address = "Oxford u.a.",
year = "2008"
@Book{ Schaefer2010,
title = "Du Opfer! Wenn Kinder Kinder fertigmachen",
author = "Mechthild Schäfer and Gabriela Herpell",
subtitle = "Der Mobbingreport",
month = {Jul},
year = "2010",
isbn = "978-3-498-03006-3",
publisher = "Rowohlt",
adress = "Reinbek bei Hamburg"
@article { Schaefer2005,
title = "Bullying roles in changing contexts -- The stability of victim and bully roles from primary to secondary school",
journal = "International journal of behavioral development : IJBD",
volume = "Jg. 2005",
number = "4",
pages = "323-335",
author = "Schäfer, Mechthild and Korn, Stefan and Brodbeck, Felix and Wolke, Dieter and Schulz, Henrike",
publisher = "Sage Publ",
address = "London u.a.",
year = "2005"
@thesis{ Fischer2011,
title = "Cybermobbing -- Informatik im Kontext",
author = "Andreas Fischer",
year = "2011",
month = {Jul},
url = "http://mediathek.bildung.hessen.de/material/informatik/gesellschaft/Cyber-Mobbing.pdf",
urldate = {2014-05-06}
@Book{ Jannan2012,
title = "Gewaltprävention an Schulen",
subtitle = "Planen -- umsetzen -- verankern",
author = "Mustafa Jannan",
publisher = "Beltz",
year = "2012",
isbn = "978-3-407-29162-2"
@inbook { Schaefer2008,
title = "Mobbing unter Schülern",
journal = "Angewandte Entwicklungspsychologie",
volume = "Jg. 2008",
pages = "521-545",
author = "Schäfer, Mechthild",
editor = "Petermann, Franz and Schneider, Wolfgang",
publisher = "Hogrefe",
address = "Gottingen",
year = "2008",
isbn = "978-3-8017-0589-3"
@article { Wachs2011,
title = "Zusammenhänge zwischen Cyberbullying und Bullying -- Erste Ergebnisse aus einer Selbstberichtsstudie.",
journal = "Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie",
volume = "60",
number = "9",
pages = "735-744",
author = "Wachs, Sebastian and Wolf, Karsten D.",
publisher = "Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht",
organization = "Universitat Bremen",
year = "2011",
@Proceedings{ DAK2009,
title = "Mobbing und Gewalt an Schulen",
subtitle = "Studie im Rahmen der DAK-Initiative
„Gemeinsam gesunde Schule entwickeln“",
editor = {Leuphana~Universität~Lüneburg~(ZAG)},
organisation= "DAK-Gesundheit",
year = "2009",
month = {Jun},
url =
urldate = {2014-05-01}
@Electronic{ Peters2014,
author = "Ingo Peters",
title = "Smartphone und Internet gehören für Kinder zum Alltag",
year = "2014",
month = {Apr},
url = {http://www.log-in-verlag.de/smartphone-und-internet-gehoeren-fuer-kinder-zum-alltag/},
urldate = {2014-05-02}
@Book{ Schuster2013,
title = "Führung im Klassenzimmer",
subtitle = "Disziplinschwierigkeiten und sozialen Störungen vorbeugen und
effektiv begegnen -- ein Leitfaden für Miteinander im Unterricht",
author = "Beate Schuster",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
year = "2013"
@Book{ Nolting2002,
title = "Störungen in der Schulklasse -- Ein Leitfaden zur Vorbeugung und Konfliktlösung",
author = "Hans-Peter Nolting",
publisher = "Beltz Verlag",
year = "2002"
Hier folgen nun die aus der Bachelor-Arbeit übernommenen Einträge...
@Book{ Fawzi2009,
title = "Cyber-Mobbing : Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Mobbing im Internet",
author = "Nayla Fawzi",
publisher = "Baden-Baden: Nomos, Ed. Fischer",
year = "2009",
isbn = "978-3-8329-4888-7"
@Book{ buschendorff,
title = "Geil, das peinliche Foto stellen wir online!",
series = "K.L.A.R.",
author = "Florian Buschendorff",
publisher = {M{\"u}lheim an der Ruhr : Verlag an der Ruhr},
year = "2010",
isbn = "978-3-8346-0729-4"
@Electronic{ wdrStory,
title = {WDR Story: Stille Gewalt - Sch{\"u}lermobbing im Internet},
author = "Lena Rumler",
month = oct,
year = "2011",
url = "http://www.wdr.de/tv/diestory/sendungsbeitraege/2011/1017/gewalt.jsp"
@Electronic{ tkUmfrage,
title = "Cybermobbing - Gewalt unter Jugendlichen (Forsa-Umfrage)",
author = "Forsa",
year = "2011",
month = jun,
url = "http://www.tk.de/tk/kinder-jugendliche-und-familie/cybermobbing/cybermobbing/343730",
urldate = {2012-02-02}
@Electronic{ schauHin,
title = "Schau Hin! - Was deine Kinder machen.",
author = "c/o komm.passion GmbH",
month = dec,
year = "2011",
url = "http://schau-hin.info/"
@Article{ Dooley2009,
title = "Cyberbullying Versus Face-to-Face Bullying. A Theoretical and Conceptual Review",
author = "Julian Dooley and Jacek Pyzalski and Donna Cross",
journal = "Journal of Psychology",
pages = "182--188",
volume = "217",
number = "4",
year = "2009"
@Article{ psychSchool,
title = "The role of school psychologists in the assessment, prevention and intervention of cyberbullying",
author = "Terry Diamanduros and Elizabeth Downs and Stephen Jenkins",
journal = "Psychology in the Schools",
pages = "693--704",
volume = "45",
number = "8",
year = "2008"
@Article{ preventingSchool,
title = "A Review of Schoolwide Preventative Programs and Strategies on Cyberbullying",
author = "Michael Couvillon and Vessela Ilieva",
journal = "Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children \& Youth",
pages = "96--101",
volume = "55",
number = "2",
year = "2011"
@techreport{ jim2013,
author = {{MPFS}},
title = "JIM 2013. Jugend, Information, MultiMedia",
institution = {mpfs},
year = 2013,
type = {Forschungsbericht},
note = "Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest"
@techreport{ jim2013b,
author = {{MPFS}},
title = "Jugendliche sind täglich drei Stunden im Netz",
subtitle = "Veröffentlichung der JIM-Studie 2013",
institution = {mpfs},
year = "2013",
urldate = {2014-07-22},
note = "Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest",
url = {http://www.mpfs.de/fileadmin/JIM-pdf13/PM5_JIM2013.pdf}
@Collection{ fim2011,
title = "FIM 2011, Familie, Interaktion \& Medien, Untersuchung zur Kommunikation und Mediennutzung in Familien",
editor = {Medienp{\"a}dagogischer Forschungsverband S{\"u}dwest},
month = feb,
year = "2012"
@Proceedings{ keinEnde,
title = {(K)Ein ENde der Privatheit: Strategien zur Sensibilisierung junger Menschen beim Umgang mit pers{\"o}nlichen Daten im Internet.},
publisher = {RabenSt{\"u}ck Verlag},
year = "2009",
isbn = "978-3-935607-36-0",
organization = "Fachtagung Das Ende der Privatheit <2009, Remscheid>"
@Book{ Dambach2011,
title = {Wenn Sch{\"u}ler im Internet mobben},
author = "Karl Dambach",
publisher = {Ernst Reinhardt Verlag M{\"u}nchen Basel},
year = "2011",
isbn = "978-3-479-02209-0"
@Book{ Jannan2010,
title = "Das Anti-Mobbing-Buch",
author = "Mustafa Jannan",
publisher = "Beltz",
year = "2010",
edition = "3",
isbn = "978-3-407-62678-3"
@Electronic{ wikiSozialesNetzwerk,
title = "Soziales Netzwerk",
howpublished = "27.01.2012",
month = jan,
year = "2012",
url = "http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soziales_Netzwerk_(Internet)"
@Electronic{ wikiProtokolle,
title = "Internetprotokollfamilie",
howpublished = "01.02.2012",
month = feb,
year = "2012",
url = "http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internetprotokollfamilie"
@Article{ patalongSpiegel,
title = "Cyber-Mobbing: Tod eines Teenagers",
author = "Frank Patalong",
howpublished = "18.11.2007",
journal = "Spiegel Online",
month = nov,
year = "2007",
url = "http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,518042,00.html"
@Book{ Leymann1994,
title = "Mobbing : Psychoterror am Arbeitsplatz und wie man sich dagegen wehren kann",
author = "Heinz Leymann",
publisher = "Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt-Taschenbuch",
year = "1994",
isbn = "3-499-13351-2"
@Book{ Humbert2006,
title = "Didaktik der Informatik: mit praxiserprobtem Unterrichtsmaterial",
author = "Ludger Humbert",
publisher = "Teubner",
edition = "2. Auflage",
year = "2006",
isbn = "3--8351--0112--9"
@Book{ Riebel2008,
title = {Spotten, Schimpfen, Schlagen ... Gewalt unter Sch{\"u}lern - Bullying und Cyberbullying},
series = "Psychologie",
author = "Julia Riebel",
editor = {Prof. Dr. Reinhold S. J{\"a}ger and Dr. Roland Arbinger},
publisher = {Verlag Empirische P{\"a}dagogik},
year = "2008",
isbn = "978-3-937333-79-3",
number = "59"
@Book{ Seydl2007,
title = {Mobbing im Spannungsverh{\"a}ltnis sozialer Normen - Eine dissonanztheoretische Betrachtung mit Untersuchung},
series = "Reihe B: Wirtschaft und Sozialwissenschaften",
author = "Christoph Seydl",
publisher = {Trauner Verlag Universit{\"a}t},
year = "2007",
isbn = "978-3-85499-312-4"
@Article{ Fawzi2009:SuB,
title = "Cyber-Mobbing unter Jugendlichen",
author = "Nayla Fawzi",
journal = "Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis",
pages = "224--239",
volume = "32",
number = "2",
year = "2009"
@Book{ Hamacher2010,
title = "Tatort Schule - Gewalt an Schulen",
author = "Sylvia Hamacher",
publisher = "treditiom GmbH",
year = "2010",
isbn = "978-3-86850-635-8"
@Electronic{ ifak,
title = "Mobbing Studie der IFAK",
author = "Marco Nink",
howpublished = "09.02.2012",
month = feb,
year = "2012",
url = "http://wiki.mobbing-gegner.de/Mobbing/Studien/Mobbing_Studie_der_IFAK"
@Booklet{ medienkompetenzNRW,
title = {Im Blickpunkt: Das Web f{\"u}r Kinder},
author = "Andrea Beckers",
month = dec,
year = "2011",
url = "http://www.grimme-institut.de/imblickpunkt"
@Booklet{ klicksafeCM,
title = "Cyber-Mobbing, Cyberbullying und was man dagegen tun kann",
author = "John Hendrik Weitzmann",
month = oct,
year = "2010"
@Booklet{ klicksafeBooklet,
title = "Spielregeln im Internet - Durchblicken im Rechte-Dschungel",
author = "John Hendrik Weitzmann and Valie Djordjeciv and Ilja Braun and Dr. Till Kreutzer and Philipp Otto and Matthias Spielkamp",
month = oct,
year = "2010"
@Book{ stein,
title = {Wie k{\"o}nnen wir Kindern Werte vermitteln? Werteerziehung in Familie und Schule},
author = "Margit Stein",
publisher = "Reinhardt",
month = sep,
year = "2008",
isbn = "3497020400"
@Electronic{ digitaleLuege,
title = {Die gr{\"o}{\ss}te digitale L{\"u}ge},
author = "Sascha Lobo",
howpublished = "15.03.2012",
month = mar,
year = "2012",
url = "http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/0,1518,820864,00.html"
@Article{ tangen,
title = "Cyberbullying Prevention: One Primary Schools Approach ",
author = "Donna Tangen and Marilyn Campbell",
journal = "Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling ",
volume = "20",
number = "2",
month = dec,
year = "2010"
@Article{ grigg,
title = "Cyber-Aggression: Definition and Concept of Cyberbullying",
author = "Dorothy Wunmi Grigg",
journal = "Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling ",
volume = "20",
number = "2",
month = dec,
year = "2010"
@Electronic{ kuhn,
title = "{\glqq}Top oder Flop{\grqq}-Spiel unter Mobbing-Verdacht",
author = "Johannes Kuhn",
howpublished = "03.05.2012",
journal = {S{\"u}ddeutsche.de},
month = dec,
year = "2011",
url = "http://www.sueddeutsche.de/digital/schuelervz-top-oder-flop-spiel-unter-mobbing-verdacht-1.1230072"
@Electronic{ gew,
title = "Cyber-Mobbing-Studie der GEW",
author = "Gundula Kienel-Hemicker",
month = nov,
year = "2010",
url = "http://www.gew.de/Cyber-Mobbing-Studie_der_GEW.html"
@Electronic{ heiseCSU,
title = "Sachverstand beachten oder widerlegen",
author = "Thomas Pany",
month = mar,
year = "2012",
url = "http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/36/36594/1.html"
@Electronic{ schulordnungGymbay,
title = "Unsere Schulordnung",
author = "Detlef Appenzeller",
month = sep,
year = "2011",
url = "http://www.gymbay.de/meinbay/formulare/schulordnunggymbay.pdf"
@Electronic{ schulordnungRodenkirchen,
title = "Schulordnung",
author = "Almuth Roselieb",
month = sep,
year = "2010",
url = "http://www.gymnasium-rodenkirchen.de/schulordnung.html"
@Manual{ bildungsstandardsInformatik,
title = {Grunds{\"a}tze und Standards f{\"u}r die Informatik in der Schule},
author = "Hermann Puhlmann",
organization = {Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik e.~V.},
month = jan,
year = "2008"
@InCollection{ schindler,
title = "Das Ende der Privatheit als (gesellschafts-) politisches Problem",
booktitle = {(K)Ein Ende der Privatheit: Strategien zur Sensibilisierung junger Menscheen beim Umgang mit pers{\"o}nlichen Daten im Internet.},
author = "Wolfgang Schindler",
publisher = {RabenSt{\"u}ck Verlag},
year = "2009"
@InCollection{ brueggen,
title = {Auf den Online-Spuren von Jugendlichen und ihren Vorstellungen von Privatsph{\"a}re},
booktitle = {(K)Ein Ende der Privatheit: Strategien zur Sensibilisierung junger Menscheen beim Umgang mit pers{\"o}nlichen Daten im Internet.},
author = {Niels Br{\"u}ggen},
publisher = {RabenSt{\"u}ck Verlag},
year = "2009"
@Article{ csuPositionspapier,
title = "In Freiheit und Fairness, 2. Positionspapier",
author = {Dorothee B{\"a}r},
month = mar,
year = "2012"
@inproceedings{ Humbert2011,
author = {Humbert, Ludger},
title = {{Sch{\"u}lerinnen konstruieren informatische Bildung}},
booktitle = {{Informatik und Schule -- Informatik f{\"u}r Bildung und Beruf -- INFOS~2011 -- 14.~GI-Fachtagung 12.--15.~September~2011, M{\"u}nster}},
pages = {197--206},
year = {2011},
month = {September},
@InCollection{ pfetsch,
title = "Banning solves the problem!? Effects of banning mobile phone use in schools on cyberbullying",
author = {Jan Pfetsch and George Steffgen and Andreas K{\"o}nig},
booktitle = "\enquote{Workshop Aggression} 2009",
month = mar,
year = "2012",
url = "http://www.workshop-aggression.de/2009/de/Schedule_Workshop2009.pdf"
@thesis{ Hilbig2012,
title = {Fachdidaktische Aspekte zum Internet als Mobbinghandlungsort f{\"u}r Mobbing aus informatischer und sozialer Sicht},
author = "Andr{\'e} Hilbig",
school = {Bergische Universit{\"a}t Wuppertal},
month = jun,
year = "2012",
url = "http://ham.nw.schule.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d3036013/Bachelor-Arbeit%3a%20Internetmobbing.pdf",
urldate = {2014-04-28}