2021-04-11 14:32:21 +02:00

534 lines
18 KiB

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% (C)opyright A. Hilbig, mail@andrehilbig.de |
% http://www.andrehilbig.de/Publications |
% |
% diese Datei: ahilbig-semester.sty |
% |
% Das Dokument steht unter der Lizenz: Creative Commons by-nc-sa Version 4.0 |
% http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.de |
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% sofern das Folgeprodukt wiederum unter gleichen Lizenzbedingungen vertrieben |
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% Eine kommerzielle Nutzung ist ausdrücklich ausgeschlossen. |
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% |
% Diese Pakete basieren auf den entsprechenden Paketen von Prof. Dr. Ludger Humbert |
% (http://ddi.uni-wuppertal.de/ -- humbert@uni-wuppertal.de) und wurden zum Teil angepasst. Seine |
% Pakete basieren wiederum auf Entwicklungen von Prof. Dr. Till Tantau |
% (http://www.tcs.uni-luebeck.de/de/mitarbeiter/tantau/). Beiden gilt mein Dank hierfür. |
% |
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
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\RequirePackage{soul,color} % wg. \hl ... = highlight
,autocite=inline % \autocite[..][..]{..} erzeugt Literaturverweise mit runden Klammern
% Semester dates
% Sets the dates of the semester.
% Usage: \setsummerdates{first date of semester}{first lecture date}%
% {last lecture date}{last date of semester}
% Getter and setter:
% Lectures
% Sets the lecture dates.
% Usage:
% \lecturelistofdates{
% 2013-01-01,
% 2013-02-28,
% 2013-12-24,
% }
\foreach \lec@date[count=\lec@i] in {#1} {
\expandafter\xdef\csname lec@date@\lec@i\endcsname{\lec@date}
% Sets the exercise dates.
% Usage:
% \exerciselistofdates{
% 2013-01-01->2013-01-08,
% 2013-02-28->2013-03-07,
% 2013-12-24->2013-12-31,
% }
\foreach \ex@date[count=\ex@i] in {#1} {%
\expandafter\xdef\csname ex@tutorial@\ex@i\endcsname{\ex@tutorial}%
\expandafter\xdef\csname ex@deadline@\ex@i\endcsname{\ex@deadline}%
\newcount\lec@lastlecnumber % stores the last lecture id
\newcount\ex@lastexercisenumber % same for exercise id
% Sets the chronological list of lectures with their ids.
% \lecturelistofids{
% <lecture id>,
% <lecture id>,
% <lecture id>,
% }
\foreach \lec@id[count=\lec@i] in {#1} {
\expandafter\xdef\csname lec@id@\lec@i\endcsname{\lec@id}%
\expandafter\xdef\csname lec@number@\lec@id\endcsname{\lec@i}%
% Sets the chronological list of exercises with their ids.
% \exerciselistofids{
% <exercise id>,
% <exercise id>,
% <exercise id>,
% }
\foreach \ex@id[count=\ex@i] in {#1} {
\expandafter\xdef\csname ex@id@\ex@i\endcsname{\ex@id}%
\expandafter\xdef\csname ex@number@\ex@id\endcsname{\ex@i}%
% Testing whether a lecture exists
\expandafter\ifx\csname lec@number@#1\endcsname\relax%
% Testing whether an exercise exists
\expandafter\ifx\csname ex@number@#1\endcsname\relax%
% Starts a new lecture. This defines the lecture title, subtitle, and
% the date for the next \maketitle command. Furthermore it sets the
% lecture number and defines a corresponding label.
% Usage: \lecturewithid{<lecture id>}
% Starts a new exercise. This defines the sheet number, date of the
% tutorial, and the date for the next \maketitle command. Furthermore
% it sets the exercise number and defines a corresponding label.
% Usage: \exercisewithid{<exercise id>}
% Getter and setter:
% Lecture
\edef\ddi@tmp@isodate{\csname lec@date@\getlecturenumberfromid{#1}\endcsname}%
\def\sem@getisodatefromlectureid#1{\csname lec@date@\getlecturenumberfromid{#1}\endcsname}
\def\getlecturenumberfromid#1{\csname lec@number@#1\endcsname}
% Exercise
\edef\ddi@tmp@deadlineisodate{\csname ex@deadline@\getexercisenumberfromid{#1}\endcsname}%
\def\ddi@tmp@deadlinedate{keine Abgabe}%
\csname ex@deadline@\getexercisenumberfromid{#1}\endcsname
\edef\ddi@tmp@isodate{\csname ex@tutorial@\getexercisenumberfromid{#1}\endcsname}%
\def\sem@getisodatefromexerciseid#1{\csname ex@date@\getexercisenumberfromid{#1}\endcsname}
\def\getexercisenumberfromid#1{\csname ex@number@#1\endcsname}
% Lecture titles and subtitles.
% Searches the body file of lecture with id #1 for the first
% occurrence of \lecturewithid at the very beginning of a line and
% stores the corresponding lecture title and subtitle in the macros
% \sem@lecturetitle and \sem@lecturesubtitle respectively.
% Set iteration condition.
% Macro for extracting and saving the result.
\def\sem@extractlecturetitles##1##2##3 \lecturewithid{%
% Macro for examining the line.
% Prepare for \ifx check.
% We found the line!
% Extract and store the result.
% Open the corresponding file.
% Iterate over the lines.
\loop \ifsem@continuereadfile%
% Read the next line.
\immediate\read\sem@lecturetitlesinputstream to \sem@nextline
% Examine the line.
% We're done. Close the input stream.
% Set iteration condition.
% Macro for extracting and saving the result.
\def\sem@extractexercisetitles##1 \title{%
% Macro for examining the line.
% Prepare for \ifx check.
% We found the line!
% Extract and store the result.
% Open the corresponding file.
% Iterate over the lines.
\loop \ifsem@continuereadfile%
% Read the next line.
\immediate\read\sem@exercisetitlesinputstream to \sem@nextline
% Examine the line.
% We're done. Close the input stream.
% To my future me:
% You once really liked the two macros above.
% Lecture Parts
\newcount\sem@numberofparts % stores the number of ranges
% Sets the lecture parts.
% Usage:
% \lecturelistofparts{
% <id of first lecture in part>=<parttitle>,
% <id of first lecture in part>=<parttitle>,
% }
\foreach \sem@partstartidandtitle[count=\map@i] in {#1} {
\expandafter\gdef\csname sem@partstart@lectureid@#3\endcsname{#1}
\expandafter\gdef\csname sem@partstart@title@#3\endcsname{#2}
% Getter and setter.
\def\sem@getlectureidfrompartnumber#1{\csname sem@partstart@lectureid@#1\endcsname}
\def\sem@getparttitlefrompartnumber#1{\csname sem@partstart@title@#1\endcsname}
% Translates lecture ids to file names. This is required for
% - automatically inserting the lecture targets into the map,
% - extraction of the lecture titles and subtitles of the body
% files.
% This translation process should be removed, but this requires
% appropriate renaming of the folders within lecture_slides.
\foreach \sem@idfilenametuple in {#1} {
\expandafter\xdef\csname sem@filename@#1\endcsname{../#2/body.tex}
\def\sem@getbodyfilefromid#1{\csname sem@filename@#1\endcsname}
% The following macro creates the file podcasts.aux that is required
% for creating the XML files for Till's podcasts. In this file, the
% i'th line consists of the title and the subtitle of the i'th
% lecture, separated by two hashmarks.
% Open outstreams
\message{^^JOpening outstreams.^^J}
\newwrite\pod@auxfile \immediate\openout\pod@auxfile=podcasts.aux
\newwrite\pres@auxfile \immediate\openout\pres@auxfile=upload-presentation-files.aux
\newwrite\preswiki@auxfile \immediate\openout\preswiki@auxfile=wiki-presentation-files.aux
\newwrite\ex@auxfile \immediate\openout\ex@auxfile=upload-exercise-files.aux
\newwrite\exwiki@auxfile \immediate\openout\exwiki@auxfile=wiki-exercise-files.aux
% Define counters for the following loop that iterates over all the
% lecture numbers.
\newcount\pod@tmpcnt \pod@tmpcnt=0
\newcount\pod@lecmax \pod@lecmax=\lec@lastlecnumber
\newcount\ex@tmpcnt \ex@tmpcnt=0
\newcount\ex@maxcnt \ex@maxcnt=\ex@lastexercisenumber
% Create temporary token registers
% Generate lecture files
\message{^^JGenerating lecture files.}
\message{Considering the following lecture IDs:^^J}
\def\lectureid{\csname lec@id@\the\pod@tmpcnt\endcsname}
\advance\pod@tmpcnt by 1
\message{\the\pod@tmpcnt. \lectureid: \the\pod@titletoks^^J}
\edef\ddi@tmp@isodate{\csname lec@date@\getlecturenumberfromid{\lectureid}\endcsname}%
1. [attachment:\lectureid.pdf Vorlesung: \the\pod@titletoks],
\message{^^JFinished generating lecture files.^^J}
% Create temporary token registers
\message{^^JGenerating exercise files.}
\message{Considering the following exercise IDs:^^J}
% Generate exercise files
\def\exerciseid{\csname ex@id@\the\ex@tmpcnt\endcsname}
\advance\ex@tmpcnt by 1
\message{\the\ex@tmpcnt. \exerciseid: \the\ex@titletoks^^J}
\edef\ddi@tmp@tutorialisodate{\csname ex@tutorial@\getexercisenumberfromid{\exerciseid}\endcsname}%
\edef\ddi@tmp@deadlineisodate{\csname ex@deadline@\getexercisenumberfromid{\exerciseid}\endcsname}%
% Check whether sheet has deadline or not
\def\ddi@tmp@deadlinedate{keine Abgabe}
|| [attachment:\exerciseid.pdf \the\ex@tmpcnt. Übung: \the\ex@titletoks]
|| \ddi@tmp@tutorialdate || \ddi@tmp@deadlinedate ||%
\message{^^JFinished generating exercise files.^^J}
\message{^^JClosing outstreams.^^J}
% Close outstreams
\message{Finished. Bye^^J^^J}
\number#3. \translate{\ddi@arabmonth@to@textmonth{#2}} #1}
\def\ddi@arabmonth@to@textmonth#1{\csname ddi@monthname@#1\endcsname}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@01\endcsname{Januar}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@02\endcsname{Februar}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@03\endcsname{März}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@04\endcsname{April}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@05\endcsname{Mai}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@06\endcsname{Juni}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@07\endcsname{Juli}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@08\endcsname{August}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@09\endcsname{September}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@10\endcsname{Oktober}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@11\endcsname{November}
\expandafter\def\csname ddi@monthname@12\endcsname{Dezember}